The licensing method required for designing a logo and registering a trademark

The authorization method for purchasing characters for designing logos or registering trademarks, based on different font brands, generally includes the following situations:

1. Domestic font brands

The full media authorization provided by domestic font brands for commercial release is usually allowed for that purpose (except for those where the right holder clearly cannot use it for trademark registration)

Some font brands may set logo authorization as an independent authorization method, which allows for use in scenarios such as logo design, trademark registration, and enterprise VI.

2. Foreign Font Brands

The desktop authorization (Desktop) of foreign font brands allows you to install fonts on your computer for creative purposes, including logo design. The created works can be used for commercial purposes without spreading font files (ttf, otf, woff, etc.). This means that you can display, publish, and produce works in the form of images, including registering trademarks or creating logos, but be careful not to send font files to third parties in any way, whether directly sending font files or embedding font files in other files for dissemination is not allowed.

In addition, a few foreign font brands also exclude specific uses such as logos and publication printing from desktop authorization, which needs to be confirmed in the brand's authorization documentation.

Authorization Period

Regardless of whether it is a domestic or foreign brand, the works you design and publish during the authorization period can be used permanently. However, if the authorization expires and is not renewed, you cannot use fonts for new creations (including secondary creations such as modifying existing works).

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