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Iwata Maru Gothic Pro Family
Combination package
4 font styles
Official price
Current rate
Withholding tax
value added tax
Promise 正版商用 Genuine commercial 官方授权 Official authorization 正规发票 Formal invoice
Delivery time 3 working days
License type
  • Desktop
Number of licenses

Font description


License type

License name
License description
license agreement
Install the font on your Windows or macOS system; Use the font within desktop applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDRAW, Word, etc. Create and print documents, as well as static images (.jpeg, .tiff, .png), even if the images are used on a website or within a mobile app.

Glyph display

Authorization process

Offline authorization

Submit Requirements
Submit the requirement and contact customer service to issue an authorization plan (quotation) based on the requirement
sign a contract
Monotype signs authorization contracts with customers
Payment Order
Payment to Monotype through offline channels such as corporate transfer and international wire transfer
Monotype issues value-added tax invoices
Authorization Complete
Monotype issues authorization certificate (authorization contract/authorization certificate) and sends font file

Official authorization

All fonts in our store are authorized by Monotype to be sold on behalf of




Formal invoice

Each order that generates actual payment can apply for issuing VAT invoice online.


Invoicing process

1.Click "apply for invoicing" in the order list

2.Select or add your invoice header

3.Submit application

Invoice type

1. Electronic VAT common invoice tax rate:1%

2. 电子增值税专用发票,税率:1%

Invoice content: information technology service fee



1.Advertising agency for the client design work by who to buy font license

Usually the "licensee" of font software license should be the end-user of the design solution, so the owner of the design solution must obtain the relevant authorization of the font used, and some authorization methods (such as desktop license) specify the number of terminals to be used, so all computers using the font for design or modification of the solution need to obtain authorization.

2.How to help customers buy licenses

You can select or add "Licensee" information when you submit your order, and fill in your customer information in the "Licensee" form.

3.How to install fonts

Windows system: Copy the font file directly to C:/Windows/Fonts, or right-click the font file and select "Install"; Mac system: Double-click the font file - click Install, or open "Applications "-"Font Book", drag the fonts into it.

4.How to find the font in PS and other software after installation

Due to the operating system or software version, if you can't find the installed font in the software, we suggest you restart the system first, the font may be shown in the list as Chinese or English name, please look for it carefully, as long as the font is installed successfully, the font must exist in the font list.

5.What to do if there is a risk warning during the payment process

When using WeChat, Alipay and other third-party payment tools to make large payment, risk prompts may be triggered. Please operate according to the following methods. You can also pay large orders through corporate transfer<

Font information
Update time:
2023-05-08 17:28:41